Logo for: Town of Wallingford

Fair Rent Commission


Law Department
[email protected]

A. To file a complaint with the Town of Wallingford Fair Rent Commission, complete the Complaint Form and submit the form using one of the following methods:

  • 1. Email the complaint to [email protected] 
  • 2. Mail or hand deliver the complaint to:
                             Town of Wallingford
                              Law Department
                              45 South Main Street, Room 308
                              Wallingford, CT 06492

B. After the complaint is received, the Town will forward a copy to your landlord and both parties will receive instructions on how the complaint will be processed.  If both parties agree, Town staff will schedule a meeting to discuss a possible resolution.  If there is no resolution, a hearing will be scheduled.

Fair Rent Commission Forms (click form name to view)

Tenant Complaint Form
Landlord Response Form
Complaint Procedures


Adam Della Ventura, Chairperson
Myklyn Mahoney, Vice-Chairperson
Thomas E. Dacey
Rose Longo-McLean
Amy Alessi Raup

Alternate Members

Lisa Anne Perretta
Michael F. Terrace