Logo for: Town of Wallingford

Animal Control


5 Pent Road


Shelter Hours:
Mon. thru Sat.   
8:30 am - 5 pm
Public Hours:
Mon. thru Sat.   
1 pm - 4:30 pm
*Adoptions by appointment only


Animal Control Officer: Parris "Mitch" Gibbs

Tel: (203) 294-2180
Fax: (203) 294-2181
Email: [email protected]

Animal Control Responsibilities

  1. Impounds strays dogs.
  2. Assists injured domestic and wild animals. 
  3. Answers complaints about barking and roaming dogs.
  4. Issues infraction tickets when necessary.
  5. Quarantines biting dogs/cats/ferrets.
  6. Finds homes for unclaimed dogs/cats. 
  7. Provides veterinary care, or euthanizia, by licensed veterinarian to sick/injured animals.
  8. Assistants are on 24-hour emergency call.
  9. Gives lectures and tours on animal care.
  10. Offers education to the public regarding appropriate and humane pet ownership.