Fire Prevention Division
75 Masonic Avenue
Office Hours
Mon thru Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tel: (203) 294-2766
Fax: (203) 294-2736
Fire Marshal: Brian Schock
Deputy Fire Marshals:
Shachar Baitch
Brian Drena
The mission of the Fire Prevention Division is to reduce and prevent fires, explosions, and other preventable hazards through community risk reduction efforts. These community risk reduction efforts include Education, Engineering, and Enforcement. The Fire Prevention Division will provide assistance to the general public whenever requested and applicable.
- Provide public fire and life safety education programs within the Town of Wallingford.
Public Fire Education/Community Event Request Form (fillable) - In conjunction with Wallingford Youth & Social Services, we provide fire prevention and intervention for youth set fires.
Wallingford Youth Fire Prevention & Intervention Program- Connecticut Fire Prevention Poster Recognition Program
- Contest Theme: "Fire Prevention - EVERYONE/EVERYDAY"
It's purpose is to promote child and adult awareness of fire prevention responsibilities. - The annual, statewide competition for fourth and fifth graders begins in October each year and is run by elementary school teachers in cooperation with the recognition program sponsors: The Connecticut Fire
Marshals’ Association, Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Office of the State Fire Marshal, Connecticut Fire Chiefs Association, State Board of Education, and the Connecticut FAIR Plan (Representing the insurance industry). - 2023 Poster Contest Winners and Media Announcement
- Contest Theme: "Fire Prevention - EVERYONE/EVERYDAY"
- Connecticut Fire Prevention Poster Recognition Program
- Provide fire safety information through national and state recognized organizations.
National Fire Protection Association
United States Fire Administration
Connecticut Fire Academy
American Burn Association
Smoke Alarm Program
The Smoke Alarm Program is a cooperative partnership of local organizations and the Wallingford Fire Department. Through this partnership, a smoke alarm may be provided to Wallingford residents of single-family dwellings who cannot afford to purchase them. Residents living in rental properties or condominiums should contact their landlord or property owner's association for smoke alarms. Lastly, a smoke alarm may be requested by email, phone, or requested in person at the Wallingford Fire Department CFHQ.
- Smoke Alarm Request Form
Please complete this form and email to [email protected] or return to the Wallingford Fire Department CFHQ, 75 Masonic Avenue, Wallingford, CT 06492
Fire Safety Product Recalls
- Visit the US Consumer Product Safety Commission at at any time for updates on fire safety product recalls.
Conduct site, building, and fire protection systems plan reviews to determine compliance with Connecticut General Statutes, Connecticut Fire Safety and Prevention Codes, and Town of Wallingford Ordinances.
- Plan Review Application (fillable)
- Schedule Fees for Plan Review & Certification License Inspection
- Fire Zones - Town of Wallingford Ordinance Chapter 115
- FDC Requirements: Reference 2022 Connecticut State Fire & Building Codes
Fire Apparatus Access Requirements
- For other than 1 & 2 Family Dwellings, Reference 2022 Connecticut State Fire Safety Code Part III Chapter 5 And Appendix D.
Fire Apparatus Turning Radiuses:
Investigate the origin and cause of fires and explosions within the Town of Wallingford.
Conduct inspections as governed by the Connecticut Fire Safety and Fire Prevention Codes.
Conduct hazardous materials inspections and enforce hazardous materials notification laws.
Removal from Service of Storage Tanks
Aboveground and Underground Tanks for properties and buildings regulated in accordance with the 2022 Connecticut Fire Safety Code and Connecticut Fire Prevention Code.
Note: The Fire Prevention Division will no longer conduct inspections of the removal from service of storage tanks in one and two-family dwellings. Please contact the Wallingford Building Department for assistance at 203-294-2005.
- Guidelines
- Contractor Application - Removal from Service of Storage Tanks (fillable)
Manufacturing Employers Hazardous Materials Survey - CGS 29-307a
- Manufacturing Employer Hazardous Materials Survey Form
Issue permit for blasting agents.
Approve permits for use of fireworks and special effects.
Issue permit for controlled open burning in accordance with Connecticut D.E.E.P regulations and Town of Wallingford Open Burning Ordinance.