Logo for: Town of Wallingford

Government Access TV (WGTV)


David Doherty Municipal Building
6 Fairfield Boulevard

Office Hours

Mon thru Fri, 9 am - 5 pm


Audio/Video Tech: Thomas Caneschi

Tel: (203) 294-2199
Fax: (203) 265-7272
Email: [email protected]

Digital Presentations for meetings recorded by GovTV are supported upon request. Please reach out to GovTV to make sure that you have the proper equipment. Please submit 24 hours prior to the meeting. 

Department Responsibilities

  1. Manage the local government access cable television channel. 
  2. Produce and distribute video programming about government services and programs. 
  3. Monitor telecommunications legislation and regulation.
  4. Assists with placement of meeting videos on Town web site.


  • Comcast Xfinity - Channel 20 or Channel 1084
  • Frontier Vantage - Position 99

YouTube Channel

Visit the Wallingford Government Television YouTube Channel for videos of meetings, events and other topics.