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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses


45 South Main Street
Basement Floor, Room #G-40

Office Hours

Mon thru Fri, 9 am - 5 pm


Environmental & Natural Resources Planner:
Erin O'Hare

Tel: (203) 294-2093
Fax: (203) 294-2095

The Inland, Wetland and Watercourses Office is only taking Counter Hours by appointment at this time.

Department Responsibilities

  1. Act as staff to Wallingford Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission (IWWC). Review land use activities and proposed development applications and/or property improvements which are environmentally sensitive, including but not limited to:
    • Wetlands and/or watercourse impact or encroachment and stormwater run-off impact;
    • Assist applicants with technical advice; and
    • Provide the public with guidance and information regarding wetlands issues.

                                  Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Permit Application
                                  Supplemental Application Documents for Large Projects
                                  Application Fee Schedule
                                  Exemption Application Form

  1. Enforce Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission Regulations and permit conditions.
  2. Respond to wetlands and watercourse violation complaints.
  3. Act as staff to Wallingford Conservation Commission. Assist in implementation of open space management/environmental protection programs, and administration of Town Farmland Lease Properties Program. Review of properties for acquisition/disposition. Establish open space and natural resources protection goals.

Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Resources

  • Wallingford's Pollinator Gardens: Visit the Pollinator Pathways website to find existing habitats in Wallingford and to learn how you, too, can create pollinator friendly habitats.
  • Stormwater and You