Logo for: Town of Wallingford

Water and Sewer Divisions


377 South Cherry Street


Customer Service:

Mon thru Fri, 8 am - 5 pm


Emergency After Hours: (203) 265-5055

Customer Service: (203) 949-2660
Water Quality: (203) 949-2666
Water Conservation: (203) 949-2672
Fax: (203) 949-2678

Current Rates and Fees


Change of Address Form

Department Responsibilities

The Water and Sewer Divisions provide water and sewer services to a large portion of the Town of Wallingford.

General Manager, Neil H. Amwake, P.E. 203-949-2670
Senior Engineer, Vacant 203-949-2672
Business Manager, Donald Langenauer 203-949-2666
Assistant Business Manager, Scott M. Cleary 203-949-2660
Water Division Superintendent, Jay Pawlowski  203-949-2666
Water Treatment Plant, Kyle DeGroat 203-949-2675
Water Distribution, Michael Cabelus 203-949-2666
Sewer Division Superintendent, Sean Baia 203-949-2677

Organizational Structure

The Wallingford Water Division of the Department of Public Utilities is a self supporting municipal entity. The Charter of the Town of Wallingford, adopted June 6, 1961 and amended through November 7, 1989, enumerates the structure of the Department as follows:

The Electric Division, the Water Division, and the Sewer Division of the Town all operate under the jurisdiction of a Board of Public Utilities Commissioners, consisting of three resident electors of the Town, no more than two of whom may be members of the same political party. The Board of Public Utilities Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Town Council. The term of office for each commissioner is three years, with the term of office beginning on March 1st of the year of his or her appointment. Each commissioner holds office until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified. The Board may, in the operation of the Department of Public Utilities, enter into leases, contracts, and agreements, provided the term of such leases, contracts, and agreements is limited to not more than ten years. The Town Council oversees the actions of the Board of Public Utilities Commissioners and may veto any action of the Board.

Regular meetings of the Public Utilities Commission are generally held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the offices of the Electric Division located at 100 John Street. 

Click here to view the current PUC Meetings Schedule.

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