Healthy Wallingford
Our mission: Uniting community resources to enhance the health and well-being of all Wallingford residents.
The Wallingford Health Department, together with our community partners, wants to make a positive and lasting impact to ensure we are truly a “Healthy Wallingford.” The Healthy Wallingford steering committee has been working since 2014 to establish community goals focused on improving overall health.
As part of this effort, a group of parents and students met with school officials concerning the underlying theme: EAT - PLAY - UNPLUG. These actions will help everyone to remember to eat healthy, take time to exercise, and make time for personal and family time to “de-stress and reconnect” without being tethered to electronics.
From this model, we have focused on the need for everyone in our community, to model behavior that will lead to a Healthy Wallingford; one that embraces a personal connection with neighbors, and accepts and welcomes the need for personal time to de-stress. Our goal is caring community that accepts and embraces ALL people.
This not an “instant success” project; it is a community-wide effort at to achieve a “lifetime” change. How do we start? We are asking every segment of our community to use the “EAT PLAY UNPLUG” logo in correspondence, as a conversation opener. We’re also asking that you accept the notion that we as a community and a society need positive change. We’re going to need everyone’s help to act upon and model a caring behavior, speak by your actions, so that the behavior becomes a norm instead of an exception.
“Choose Kindness”
This is our first behavior to transform. What does Kindness look like? It’s up to your organization to determine how to “Choose Kindness.” A good starting point is to watch and share the 4-minute video link below. Everyone we know is facing their own life stress. We want to be a community that embraces empathy, kindness and a Healthy Wallingford.
Thank you in advance for embracing a healthy Wallingford.